North Shore Hypnosis Can Help Eliminate Sleeplessness
After a stressful day, thoughts and feelings can flood your mind and keep you worrying, and you may feel doomed to face another sleepless night. Your belief that you cannot or will not sleep can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. A few sessions of hypnosis could help you change your attitude and eliminate your beliefs.
What Causes Your Sleeplessness?
Too much caffeine? Strenuous physical or mental activity, emotional conversations, challenging work, electronic games, or social media scrolling just before bedtime? Daytime napping? Worrying? We have all lost sleep due to excitement, and anticipating an important event or trip. Occasional trouble sleeping is rarely a cause for concern. But when an overactive mind deals with tension, anxiety, pain, or problems at bedtime, sleepless nights become predictable.
What’s the Answer? Hypnosis!
Very often, following a deeply relaxing hypnotic session even without specific suggestions for sleep, the client will sleep very soundly due to the deep relaxation achieved during the session. Direct suggestions produce greater effectiveness. Post-hypnotic suggestions and instruction in self-hypnosis given during a hypnosis session help to produce sleep. My clients are provided with a recording of their session for reinforcement and relaxation at bedtime.
Hypnosis Works
- By utilizing guided visualization
- By utilizing a recording designed to relax you into blissful slumber
- By hypnotic programming with suggestions for deep restful sleep
- By replacing negative or fearful thinking with positive thoughts and feelings
- By learning a process to eliminate or set aside specific problems at bedtime
- By learning self-hypnosis