Stop Smoking

Quit Smoking in only two sessions!

Quit Immediately:  A Two-Session Program

A powerful two-session approach. In the first session, you become a NON-SMOKER or FREE OF VAPING, DIP, CHEW OR NICOTINE REPLACEMENT IN ANY FORM. The second session is devoted to reinforcing your new status (free of nicotine in any form) as well as eliminating any other issues that may arise.

Fee: Two Sessions: $390 
The two-session program includes two office sessions, hypnotic reinforcement recordings, telephone, text, and email support. (The first session lasts approximately 90 minutes and, the second lasts about 60 minutes), The fee for both sessions is due at the conclusion of the first, payable by check, credit card, Venmo, Zelle, or cash.

You know it’s true because you’ve tried that already.

Call (631)757-7647 to schedule your quit smoking day!