Fear, Apprehension, Anxiousness

What’s Causing Your Fear?

Uncovering the unknown aspects of the fear makes way for rational truthful coping statements. The technique of hypnotic systematic desensitization, EFT, NLP, and hypnotic recall can also be highly effective.  Diagnosed anxiety disorders require a referral from your health care professional.

Questions? Call (631) 757-7647 or 1-888-828-4934

Confronting Your Fear in Hypnosis

We’re all subject to fear. Fear or Angst may originate during childhood when undeveloped reasoning ability allows for developing fears of the unknown.  Fear does manifest in adulthood through a traumatic experience, but most of them originate in the early, impressionable years. 

Common Fears Eliminated or Minimized With Hypnosis

Flying, heights, rejection, failure (or success), pain, poor performance (ie: sports, academic, job, theatrical, relationships, sexual), death, the unknown, contamination, blood, animals (spiders, sharks, water, impending danger, darkness, open spaces, closed spaces and loss of control. There are many others, to varying degrees of severity.  

How Fear Escalates 

  • Unrealistic self-statements that create anxiety and panic
  • You begin to avoid any person, place, thing, or situation that generates feelings of fear (or excitement).
  • Rational reasoning is rejected as the fear escalates
  • Fear of the fear itself develops

The Hypnotic Intervention May Include

  • Promotion of focus and clarity through restorative diaphragmatic breathing
  • Generation of deep relaxation
  • Slowing down of a rapid heartbeat
  • The realization that the physical sensations you feel are not harmful
  • Replacement of catastrophic thoughts with truthful coping statements

Call (631) 757-7647 to schedule your online or in person session!

Note: Hypnosis for diagnosed anxiety disorder upon referral only.